Friday, December 21, 2018

Kit Kelen #1086 - after the storm

after the storm


afoot among the fallen

dead grid

even with a stick and whip it
that was a serious breeze

there was a wrench
and tear and rend

what tangle of a sky was
how we stood, watched
leaves flew, branches

some tall ones come down
and others at ungainly angle

dreamt and dream again of it

in candle's power then

the hours without
stars out of service

ill wind it would be

still in the hours without

this stillness
an assessment itself

no radio
it needs the wall
to coal connect
(some dinosaur says so)

no net
no fan
no stove
no tea

such a little thing
this missing spark

and slows for something I can't see

as if the rest inamimate
books, daylight, gravity's tap
roofs that simply sit

aches and itches real enough
ameliorate in the afterstorm

most of the books won't need plugging in
all of my glasses still work

can still swim
be bitten
hear road hush past

and breakfast on the trees remains

lain down across the driveway
and will I blame the victim?

shy first as of the air
here will you come by wing to see
the bark stripped, scattered

forest all around my ears
because a big wind blew

pick up rubbish
pick up sticks
saved from idleness again

later when it comes back on
we righteous thinking types all know

how the wicked world blew away
how lunatics lifted off into their rapture
this precious Earth ours at last

I take up a stubbornness all of my own

leave it see a little while
what blocks the car
what keeps the world away

look about me

must be my own music then
and read the world by my own lights

brighter than paint
shone as steady
as far as the rain

1 comment:

  1. 'how lunatics lifted off into their rapture'

    hard to pick favourites in this fine weather of a piece, but this might just be it.
    Oh how such madness flies!


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