Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Kit Kelen #1105 - make myself scarce, collectible

make myself scarce, collectible

wake to such wishes as be

come to the end of the road
and go on
you won’t find me

not here
but drinking in the deeps

so cover a self with glory
and pigment

no one to hear my bad singing
and I will choose the wrong phrase

square the orbit out of shape
wreck the nib – won’t write

never say the same thing twice

but do a little vanish
to keep the punters keen

for those who’ve followed the tune to here

not requiring any sun’s say
but I’ll shine brightly  

no one will see me
run out of ink

finite in the final analysis
blur in image
out of words

from ripples then
so you’d detect
the splash
there might have been

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