Thursday, October 3, 2019

Jeffree Skewes #116 Plough

When is it going to come back

there are only two tides we
thought we'd know by now

mules still dragging
everything else goes
a hundred miles per hour
when am I going to get off

got to do something
while we're here on Earth
not just anything 
you see

no need for fame
to look under hedges
clouds and words are clues

start a journey
somewhere to
doesn't really matter
don't you hold-out forever

whatever it takes
waking up to pearls
I'm going back
to my plough



  1. This has led to an extended youtube session on Elton John with my 6yo. She's impressed!

  2. Elton and Burnie still quite phenominal really my 11yo just loves em.


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