Thursday, September 13, 2018

Clark Gormley #35 Decluttering

an assumption that
less is better is essential
or we won't get anywhere
and then an ability
to prioritise, to at least
make a qualitative
comparison, requires
a degree of detachment
and an ability to elude
the clutches of sentimentality

there's an uneasiness that
must be got over a concern
that one's judgement today
will not correspond
with next week's
or last week's
it comes down to how
malleable we think we are
indeed to the strength
of our sense of self
no wonder it's hard

once we make that decision
there's a sense of abandonment
that's thrilling
and troublesome
and freeing
all at the same time
that zen business of
giving it away with
all its paradoxes seems
to be innately worthy
being cleansed by simply
letting go


  1. there's an uneasiness... that zen business..
    gosh it'd be good to declutter well, maybe even properly!

  2. or maybe
    just a wash-out?

    a tumble in the dryer


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