Thursday, September 20, 2018

Tug Dumbly # 17 - Badlands


We’re glutted gulls sated seals
sick to surfeit diving through
sardine schools of oily fact
scooping digital seas
skimming googywiki vats
of language sandwich chewed
hacked spat to pixelated
catchphrase mulched meme
moulding in recycling bins
yellow blue green
be a Responsible Citizen
scrape your plate clean
bulldoze these syllable
shanty towns to soundbyte
slag mounds to wordfill pits
of language laid low
by linguicide words euthanized
butchered proscribed
hope it all breaks down
goes away organically decays
these badlands of dead
verbiage and knowledge      
like desert boneyards
of rotting aeroplanes
burnt wagon trains of
death’s head data, scalped tech
massacred fact …
are you across this?   


  1. roger that
    and the horse you ride out

  2. I wanted to make kimchi in my crock when I read this, how magnificent.


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