Monday, September 17, 2018

Kristen de Kline #226 whatever happened

something about the
way you move, stars

that don't shine, sleeping
amethyst skies, in the corner

of the screen, clouds flock
lightening blue sweeps

across the horizon, it comes
to me in a dream: a field flattened

with sunflowers, your proposal
caught on faded Super 8

etching love on my arms, vanishing
into lost highways, trapped
on the last mile home

something about the sky,
that day, whatever happened

to the light, did Van Gogh really
cut off his ear?

it's always the third track
the vinyl's scratched, it jumps

then stutters:

for years and years 

I roamed


roamed ...

something about that day,
the sky, you took a razor

to the sun, pierced another
hole next to the stretcher

jabbed a rusty nine-inch nail
through flesh
flattened sunflowers
and bone
sleeping skies 
and blood
not shining, the stars


to the light



  1. Love it, Kristen

    I roamed for years
    in a dreamscene film
    I woke up in a cell
    what happened
    to the light

  2. That’s a perfect sequel thanks Rob. Post it on the blog!


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