Friday, January 11, 2019

Kit Kelen #1108 - two poems for gosbother / ataraxia --- a book of vanishing works / to still my beating mind - a vanish

a book of vanishing works
for godsbother/ataraxia

the poem is going again

words are our wild

see how the poem pales

lies unread in the dust

on the blink

and we, lust lost
between the pages

forget me
and not

we run together
secret, bare

words are our wild
and won’t be bedded

the heat of the moment
is in them as well
or else the thrill is gone

forget myself to be among them

and to wake a way

we all go there

so few we ourselves fashion
but scramble to arrange

pass on what is given  
all that

out of the vanishing pages
you and I
have outrun
chased each other by the tail

half way to sleep
I always was

you can’t say

a phrase is given
contract in clauses  

will you speak poetry to me?

words are our wild nature
there’s nothing to fit
but the parts

and we are vanishing to them

will have the trick of an absence yet

too many words to find a way
so many things going and gone

far in the view
I’ve come
just so
you won’t
see me

my words
these wilds
and yours
this trail

the work
and we

to still my beating mind
a vanish

in through a mirror’s reverie

think of the trouble
and here you’re lain down

be ancient in the day
it was

let loose the line
till words drift

dot to join

be bleary blessed
add this that other

all to do
must have been done

here we are flat down
best tucked

naked in the guitar
a pick and a strum

let loose

lie low
till the spinning pillow stops
fallow in a dream of ways

and I deny the image
add up
it’s to the dark

in an underworld

let the clock
gently off

count true
counting matter

count till all that’s yours is gone

subtract myself
from all there is  

will the tree
from an old death

let the spell spread over
ink a theorem up

in under-REM
forget the breath

be the breeze
and be the stream
be the fool you are

you can only kill
what was going to die  

never saw me
now I’m gone

that’s as all may be
know whatever’s of the yet to come
there’s nothing more today
to see

nothing to see here

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