Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Jeffree Skewes # 142 Acted

Say we have empathy
to an idea this life's a journey
lived as if we know it's worth

say if empathy was a thing
grown and nurtured by intention alone
then so the journey begins

say we didn't need to slave
other than to craft the walking
or landing when sometimes we fall

say only sunshine and dreams
mattered most even though you say
someone has to pay to play

say the stock market
was no longer the measure
but happiness at all costs our true ambition

say the world was nothing but a stage
we acted and directed and learned our lines
say this work was theatre make-believe

say everyone understood it was our purpose
to show-off and practice what we really love
we'd all be actors and those who watched acted too

say numbers flocked to stages and not to work
would there be a need for generals thieves or slaves
even if not

we acted it was true

image: Water Dragon - detail / synthetic polymer paint & ink on recycled rice paper JMS 2018

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