Thursday, December 19, 2019

Kit Kelen #1448 - age of smoke

age of smoke

cooked world

everything is
blessed with

ready for the fire
it comes back they say
makes its own weather

scheming and scheming
pile up the kindling cash
where there’s this ire

such blessings rain
remember that

will I be found among it?

laugh at the boiling frog
leaves tremble into flame

here’s the mirror
hold it up
cremate the creatures

and merrily still sing
for innocence the birds
last dinosaurs that flew

this far

lift veil of it – it’s you

come to this
having named the other ages
plastic and religion

in fact eat all the others up
a cooked world after all

we’re blessed

we’re the asteroid of the sixth
everyone under the weather gone

in smoke
get used to it
make these lungfuls mine

whiff of eternity it is
a tether end of
stretch necks towards
this fate we make

we and we
and all the way home
what a squeal
long pig’s tasty

cook the moon and cook the sun
with reason

here’s the mirror
hold it up
beautiful object
we are

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