Saturday, March 4, 2017

Kit Kelen #424 - the gods are far and otherwise engaged

the gods are far and otherwise engaged

has anyone witnessed my life
my work?

my own account is somewhat partial

if I forgive, apologize
if I could just explain
how little I know of the great totality
I can't imagine it thinks much of me

a dog sits up
we see such simple things as taught

the trees
the grass
the cat strokes by
ants won't look up

proximity is nothing for them

it's as the worm to earth that's left
it's as the bird's blank sky

is it not the case
I'm always far
and otherwise engaged


  1. Well, I know the gods are us
    and I know that cats marshal us
    and simple things don't actually exist
    and we mostly ignore each other
    and worms come out in the rain


    1. read this first too quickly as
      'the gods are for otherwise engaged'


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