Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Clark Gormley #33 Early adopter

she caught the first Paywave

while we fumble for our Opal cards
she’s already tapped and gone

and while we rode our dragsters
she passed us on a segue

cottoned onto lycra
way before the Tour
de France was hip

in 1986
she owned a cellphone
the size of a brick
used it for weight training

somehow upgrades
the operating system
of her smart phone
before the release date

and bugs, she loves them
like an entomologist
doesn’t complain
but identifies them
and notifies
the manufacturer
with the zeal of a Hansonite
dobbing in a terrorist

wore a nose ring in the 70s
tatts in the 80s

was eating quinoa when Gorby
brought down the wall
smashed avocado
during 9/11

while we were peeking
at the girl next door
through the crack in the fence
she was flying
drone mounted cameras
for her surveillance

she stopped using
plastic bags
in 2007

and for some reason
a long while back
she left her beachside
apartment and moved
to higher ground


  1. This is a ripper Clark, I love it. I'm so late in adopting things by the time I take them up they've gone round and come back as hip retro curios. I'm so far behind the eight ball I'm ahead of it.

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