Friday, August 30, 2019

Jeffree Skewes #106 Don Coyote

Contrary to echoes 
the wolves never quite 
retreat, unlike the snowmen
pashers and cougars grow old

dignity albeit disheveled 
dimmed  and grey
our Don continued to rise 
early and rest late

each day to battle 
any path may lead astray
enamor Galicians
and the passion blows

every breath expropriated 
what amounts to a battle cry 
go on then take all these steps 
risk everything, dare, retreat

so to the mill and mules
Sancho at the very last  
reaches out to catch 
our falling tree.

so tomorrow may come

image: The hand of Apollinaire (Apolony detail)  oil and acrylic paint on fabric / JMS 

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