Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Kit Kelen #1335 - cat out of the bag

cat out of the bag

notes for the picture book of the poem

sometimes a poem
is the way to find out

a hill of flowers in my head
song forgotten there

go there on a day off

I part the dust, the smoke, the sea

you can be there in a flash and follow

has been said palpable, fruity
an apple rots downstairs

only a dream
your for instance love

these charms
and one held in another’s arms

but courage
never a permanent fixture

a little truth creeps out

imagine hearing that music
off the leash

will it come line by line
or trail the images behind?

I exercise the hand, the eye

a fist is raised, defiance
and still the poem’s faster

lean and hungry
for to tell and show

it has a sound for sure
and you can recognize the poem by symptoms
how you feel in company

mainly though watching
here to tell just what the world is

often a poem could go two ways
or there might be many

we’ve heard it bark
seen roll over, beg

a head for home
the armchair of adventure’s there

play with, tease it out
a lie and a damned lie

genius is my place

I go there when all home is far

dear and you address it
or come this far in prayer

rumble of the road within

it’s for the cream in the night

you can be with a poem
on the page or in the air
or off

cling to my poem raft, glide

sometimes it’s in you – the poem
was there all along

you only had to wait to wake
the poem would come along

sometimes a poem
is the way to find out
what a poem’s about

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