Thursday, August 29, 2019

Kit Kelen #1337 - an improvisation

an improvisation

for ataraxia

rough thing my garden
much as my mother’s

has its own distances
keeps no account
time is nothing to it

rough and all guess
full of birds my garden is
music of just who’s about

all alive here
even the dead
how spirited they come

and not at all
why thank you

we build in it
to show straight lines

so many moods there are
you may ask what I am thinking

whirligig at times
here are the bees
the other little wings

having turned a world to be here

sun new very day
has all the years tended me
coming to be

how sad to be among the books
shaped by accidents of fire, of sky

the garden requires me
outside certain hours
I always need its help

through it to yoga
and the sun comes too
hesitating till a poem
could lead to breakfast
that is there as well

prowl and growl
won’t I eat them all alive?

lovely to be run out of words
so struck with the weather, stars

I do a little dance
it always does for me

and find the head
whose god it is in
one gives a life for that

though it overgrows me
I keep the garden always in mind

and sometimes at a jog
might rush the blood around
impatient still and seasons come

I practise at a stillness there
always fail

listen for the echoes
where I am all but gone 

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