Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Kit Kelen #534 - Alcázar de Sevilla - plus ultra

Alcázar de Sevilla
plus ultra

come into the shade
be with me

little wings light here
under the honey locust

in orange trees
cooler air is cast

a little further

the peacock in the shadowed leaves
comes to a branch, tips, steps off

into the sun
into the blue beyond

and in the cannon's mouth
by sabre stung

the centuries feed on
court after court

make luxury awe
understand what this God gives

here among roses
no further to climb

still this sun will rise
heretics burn

there will be new worlds
to loot

a trickle of Christ's blood
trickle of wine

gruel for the beggars
and slaves

a forest is slain
for the cloth of these ships

let us have water
from a great falling height

the glory of honour
this treachery

the verb has no form
for what we have done

let us have seas
enough for our ships

and so the world is
set to spin

the laughter of poets
for this

in orange trees
shadow and leaf cast

little wings light here
under the honey locust

come into the shade
be with me


  1. plus ultra
    sail beyond
    non plus ultra
    go no further
    than history
    or faded glories
    go beyond
    everyone does it

  2. all that history and the smell of it!


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