just to be here
Essaouira – Mogador
just to be here you do not need
there's not much you need to get
something bit me just the once
the place is a fire trap
they don't believe it all burns down
there's rhythm of everywhere here
only moments from the device
and another question comes
silence is a thing to bring
rhythm of everywhere is here
silence is a thing to bring
like a rug to wrap night in
there won't be silence here
they won't believe it all burns down
there's a heart hum blue
to the sky that they speak
every net's to haul in a rhythm
just to be here you don't need much
a moment perhaps – blink of the eye
a bird in the desert's recollection
like a scrap of paper blown
a little light
a little air
hands make a cup for water
the heart beats hard
all your life to here is home
the street sleeps rough in you
just a doorway's width
and depth
you don't come in
it's down you go
falling and falling
and no hands to catch
just to begin requires only a breath
not even a word need be said
they won't believe it all burns down
then birds are the bright of it
we give thanks
you may have had to imagine it first
bucket of voices slopped at your door
let's some centuries passed
you can pay a lot to live in a prison
when you have to run the whole show
Now that is beautiful. Cheers.