Monday, August 20, 2018

Kit Kelen #961 - fascism


the not remembering
see it in their eyes like defiance
the glazing of the cake

you can't know for me
what's best or at all

it's mine, seem so to say
laughter of the way it is
the do-it-all again

I could list it all for you
but why?

breathless for atrocity
because they can't remember

never happened to me
so it's not

it's all this world
not mattering
how it goes
or who does whom

nor is there next
but here we are

and this is my blind eye

I want
so I deserve
not them

them at their dinner
I mean it's us
and the beggar at the window
who wants to see that

all curse

bury it with night
and sleep the thousand years

a fever!
and what killing there'll be

but the dead are a tribe
never quite gone

it's as if the writing grew smaller and smaller
as if graves sunk into the soil with time

then no one will remember
then here we go again

1 comment:

  1. but how that small hope can shine
    against the do of again


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