Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kit Kelen #598 - so as to be

so as to be

that’s me in the book
where the plots run parallel
so nothing quite collides

get the molars
into something molecular

safe here
among the other mites

I have to be the keeper
cause why?
because I’m here

I’ve come here to be forgotten
live my life in the pages closed

ache to turn of course
where you’re stuck
and all despite the danger

you know there will be a fight to the finish
someone is smote
it’s steamy in there

inside the book, a library –

and there’s something misplaced
you can still see it on the shelf
just where it was left
that’s the mind’s eye, you know

though light shines in all over the work
we’ve scurried darkly to have corners
or else where’s to hide?

I think you can see what we’re about

and what do I have to do today?
surely there’s something in the book to fix ?

is it prologue or frontispiece?
I’m not the one you think

but reaches into his bag of tricks
now I could distract you with rabbits
if only I could find that hat

cat’s got the tongue
mice up the clock
get me that carving knife, quick

a footnote is the enemy
appendices are death

there’s no interpretation allowed
save characters reflect

you have to see all by yourself
that’s when you get your wings

each poem is its world complete
no higher truth to rule

the dog-eared
it’s boys’ own
girls’ own
anything mixed

you don’t know how
you’d turn out

someone licks at a poisoned finger
someone is lapping it up

here and there
where the book
resolves into a picture

clear as day
clear as a bell

trompe l’oeill
in camouflage

that’ll be me
peering out

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