Sunday, December 18, 2016

Magdalena Ball #34: The Transit Technique

The Transit Technique

the amount of light lost
through transit

motion as a state of permanence
always elsewhere, en route

losing time, skin cells
hair all over the bathroom floor

the body taking and giving
swallowing and releasing

and how I lost you
not lost as in past tense
losing as continuum

this is what we’ve looked for
the whole of our lives

babies on the back porch
eyes heavenward, wanting always
a little more, the twinge of desire
as if something were missing
a phantom limb

the small temporal drop
in the star’s brightness
the eclipse
you know it’s there
it must be

it’s too late for us
of course

ask the fish, the phytoplankton
the trees
the few species left
will tell the truth

but a comfort nonetheless
to know that somewhere
there’s a light pulsing

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