Saturday, July 27, 2019

Kit Kelen #1304 - home and ghost again

home and ghost again

this is the not-yet-here day
stop and consider

slowly slowly
catch myself

think a fire to feed

it’s dry
we wait to brim

take all the far for green then

and here’s where I don’t catch up with myself

in my own time zone
acres thereof

breakfast to be
and slept till

so many of me
and most loved, tin

a little shaky

ponds low

here’s the family feathered to  

a little dance of trees
some fruited
and some frost bit

now all the secret world is home
say cast about
say strewn

today’s the day
that I’m not here

smoke fills the valley
no signs take

so much to burn

this old world says
needn’t have

but here we are
among my wonders

so stretch
let sunshine in

and wondering
slowly slowly

ready now
catch myself
it is
I fall

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