Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Jeff Skewes #55 Where have you been

Where have you been
my long lost friend
my darling my ally
voice from within

it's a call to the wild
a call in the dark it's a hard road
uncle Bob's walking tonight
freed only when we sing out too

its a hard its a hard its hard

saying we're just here playing
not to put up a fight
nor leaving not knowing
which side to choose

there's no army no enemy
no bigger than fear

carry the arrows Arjuna left behind
let fly their tips
be marks on skin
each one passes through clouds

oh it's a hard it's a hard

lesson to sing when you're got blues
bards and bands share these rules too
your ship's on the way at night in the sea
there's only one battle one game your in

it's a hard it's hard it's hard

to remember knowledge
lives in the heart
knows how to swim walks home all alone
sits forgives and begins all over again

treasure the tone
hum it right now
what you're looking for is
no higher than you

it's a hard it's hard it's hard

sometimes trust
is the only one move
between love and war
so peace is still real

it's hard

believe in this song
sing a way through
get out of the way
there's no battle today

rain's falling

on you

image: jskewes graphite (powdered pencil mineral) on canvas

1 comment:

  1. I like this very much, Jeffree, so much from the heart it needs to be read (and shouted) out loud! Cheers.


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