Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Kit Kelen #1042 - glacier poem

glacier poem 

glows blue
in its under ice

keeps its own cloud
once carved

the poem grinds bones all night
once snow has piled or since

the poem moves ahead
and it slips back, contracts

a helicopter lands on the poem
but the people are quickly gone

locked up
someone fell in to the poem
and like out of the whale
blue veined
emerged perfectly preserved
if pale

someone slept so far
and never noticed that the age was over

ideas like this pack down
like a sky makes snow
grinds hearts to dust

a poem slows to time past
makes gravel

flows like glass
but faster

milk goes from here
to the nearest dairy

just a glimpse left

when the ice flowed sky high over our heads
and ten ks out past where the coast is now
there was no one to see it
to take its picture
to make its poem then 


  1. So many untaken pictures
    the past such a squandered opportunity!

  2. but your deep ecology poem beyond the grand tour clicks...


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