Thursday, November 22, 2018

Kerri SHying R # 558 - the topsoil of the country would stay

drought is in our faces now   the sea
the blue distraction   no help from
the dusted wind   I hear the back door
slamming   like a drummer    why
not rub it in    where did we think

the topsoil  of the country  would stay

not a drink to wet it down   roots
so far forgotten  they are frailer than a
thought   death lasts longer   the whole place
is on the move   still we  can’t modify
a thing   until our nostrils   cake


  1. sounds like it's time for a bushman's blow

  2. Just looked out the window. The dust has arrived!

    1. soon to be followed by exhaust fumes and smoke if I read the paper right Clark. A nice day to be on the sofa I reckon. x

  3. Nice poem Kerri. The dirt is emigrating, and we can't just blame the Liberals.

  4. A wonderful (sad) poem. Even the blue distraction is no help...for we've stuffed that up too. :(


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