Monday, December 25, 2017

James Walton #88 Working Family Christmas

Mary says she doesn’t know
and in a way I don’t care
there are lions and crosses

an old man wipes foreheads
apoplexy he claims a vision
in wandering with the other two

so baked in delirium
the donkey shivers for warmth
among contractions in a village

excused out of three candle tiers
splinter wrought by rough hands
nothing had felt so good in years

this exhaustion beyond
fevers to make the goat milk
in such a hurry the adze forgotten

fortitude enough to push them away
a worn cloth for wrapping
stumbling out of broken dreams

a baby’s fingers clasp


  1. baked in a delirium
    on inferno setting

    a barn ought to have
    loft upon loft

    Hosannah in the highest

  2. Perfectly poised James!


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