Monday, February 18, 2019

Chrysogonus#102 - Babad Diponegoro #1 - Pupuh XLII

(Pupuh XLII)

Sareng mirsa Sri Nalendra,
dangu kendel tan ngandika,
duk nguni tan mirsa warta,
yen kang ngibu kawlas harsa.


at the sight of merciful mother
years after their last argument
head can no longer be held high
heart longs for one more embrace

- Babad Diponegoro Pupuh XLII -
painting by Galuh Tajimalela

*The long lost diary of Prince Diponegoro, a Javanese warrior prince from Java War 1825 - 1830, is recently found. He wrote everything in Macapat (the Javanese poetic forms). A painting exhibition of artists' interpretation on the poems took place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am taking the initiative of translating them into English. Comments on the translation are pretty much welcomed!

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