Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Clark Gormley #89 more than you think

there is a certain
pleasure to be had
from objects that do
more than you think

like reclining lounges
pull the lever
and the footrest comes up
the headrest goes back
and the more hidden
that lever the better
the same goes for
the sprinkler heads
that pop up from
the lawn

the fascination
seems to go all the way
back to childhood
the palm trees drooped aside
as Thunderbird 2 rolled past
the swimming pool slid away
to allow Thunderbird 3
to launch

sometimes it didn’t
even have to move
that hidden second layer
in the chocolate box
brought such joy

but is this just a childish delight
in toys that do unexpected things?
the ancient Greeks did not
build automata just for the kids
neither was Digesting Duck
made to satisfy the appetites
of Renaissance children

I’d like to think
that we are driven
by an innate desire
to achieve
the seemingly impossible
to constantly strive
for increased complexity
with added functionality
for the betterment
of all of humanity

but perhaps we
just like to revel
in our own cleverness


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