Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Kit Kelen #1154 - opus

for ataraxia

was there ever even
cutting, seed, stock of root
some foreign spore
an unknown word
mere sound or other image

was there?

hammered out the thing
and hung it for a breeze too

great taming and trim
and major with the saws

myself I was a whistled tune

had to be blank to it and dig
an arrow meant one way or both

I was the hermit of kingdom – listing
those daughters dancing up a mountain

trained it on these wires and lines
mad wheelbarrow dash, whose rescue?

with all this armoury
despite because
and best intent

most of a moon still riding on this
in the roundness of a night, the day

noticed the light come through  
I brought soil from the pile

still the metaphor extended

someone must have sung me so

for nurture
whisper it

there I was
weeding the poem
mulching the poem
turning it into compost again

month of Sundays there
blue moon too once in

tried to stare the thing away
it was a bird who spoke
certain words commanding

there were tractor times
and diabolical machinery

in the edges
all turns of earth were mine

where they drink
and in a pond, reflections
deep down as your sky will go

by whim won
my back into it
so shone

the creek was full of rhymes

all thanks I am
and no one for

in my own vanishing
a garden

still the words get away

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