Monday, February 4, 2019

Kit Kelen #1132 - the anonymous

the anonymous

they report the facts
are leering after
lit under a bushel
if ever at all

always they are more
soak up the rest of us
sign of the times

they hack and they bahama
vanish in a prison
but chisel a way out

imagine the numberless heaven
they’re gone to

all ages, walks and ways – the many

mask of the just is their might
and frenzy whip

in just the ruins of a thought

no, nothing of them
far throng
something totalising

the tottery anonymous
may not even be able to hear us

they would be but
upon us yet
forgotten in the will

each of them lives on the tip of the tongue
remembered by the work, that’s all
and when?

the year without an archon
is that the one you mean?
did someone throw a bomb?

they are a system
forms all filed
and look upon your nakedness

of neither certain time nor place
but here among us now they are

leaf out of book
off key often

and always instrumental
it’s how an orchestra consists
metonymies of how’s your father

caught up with us
you won’t catch them

kind of a chain letter curse

things they get up
rascally –
the terror cell
the cancer
and the cancer masked

they’re gone
no one marks the grave
they troll

who stand and wait
by a pronoun given

you’ll see them
clinging to trees in a flood
or give them a mountain
and climb

they are a long march
hold a cenotaph
have a minute’s silence

the anonymous are girls and boys
believe me

everyone notices
nobody knows

see them walking into the enemy fire

the anonymous are over us
our precedence and place
they are all position
toss the arrows, bolts about

it comes to each
beyond a self
but you can bring it on

and lest we read the little credits
here all may come to rest

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