Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Kit Kelen #1141 - nostalgia


remember when there was a God in Heaven?
the truth was full of Bibles
if you go back that far…

we sang God Save the Queen or King
there were lots of capital letters

there was proper punctuation then
there were no politics at all
or was

now it’s an accusation
people want to know why
and why because
kookaburras laughed it all off

irony was yet to be invented
how right we all were then
right as rain when heaven was
how happy grazing

what certainty our farmers had!
poison the blacks and none the wiser
but there were ones not like that
and they were real white men

poor white men!
wry, laconic
teachers all malign them
now we have no truth
fake news
and may I grope!
no, mustn’t ask
it always spoils the thing

remember the starving everywhere
and finish what’s on your plate
sit up straight
seen and sometimes muffled

remember Rolf Harris?
Jimmy Savile (lovely letters still after his name)?
remember Cardinal Pell?

and all those priests who’d play with the kiddies?
God was so right for their patch

these days before the Flood, the Fire
what silences we built back then

all washed of wonder
nothing passed
remember we danced on the head of a pin
and got away with murder?

then paint was a canvas thrown from here
and needn’t mean a thing
painting was just colour then

nothing ached
skin was clear
erection strong
you could go on for hours
then there was no point of view
we were naturals back then

when boys were boys
we had a genius for it

how far we were from these our deaths
and nothing bitter but tonic with snifter
if the coolies toiled
and we were borne about – white gods!

everyone towed the line
or else
they’d soon find themselves
on the mat
with the back of my hand
good clip over the box on the ears
and six of the best to boot

might right
weren’t those the best of days
built character
we knew an enemy then –
there were the reds and the yellow peril
the commonwealth still pink
when we were scarce commodity

remember the wireless crackle of fact?

so much of the good stuff still plays today
so many wives to haunt men
but it’s not the same as it was then
graves are just too good for them
we need a ducking chair

we voted as one man!
we had a pronoun for everything
none of this slippery ms
or lbg and their alphabet soup

it was all God in His Heaven did it
there were no politics back then

remember when women and blacks
had few wages, less rights?
everyone nodded along
remember the empire
and no questions asked

remember before the word ‘gay’
when poofs knew their place
(and we still want our wainbow back)

remember the War, the Depression
peace! and knives we sharpened
guns we sold

and sit up straight
hands on heads
we came in quickly, quietly
we sat and soaked it all in
no politics in that

of our times too it will be said
remember the trees and the forests
and air, the insects
things getting better

ah those were the good old days!
the days when nobody knew

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