Thursday, February 7, 2019

Kit Kelen #1135 - to annihilate all life on this planet will be harder than you think

to annihilate all life on this planet will be harder than you think

thinking of Christopher Pyne, and his weapons manufacturing ambitions for Australia

it will take all the weapons there are and more
and a lot of luck
the wind the right way

weather alone won’t be enough
enmities will need to be very general

the most vicious of animals must take charge
and here we have a special role

death has become a habit with us
and we have the blind rage see this through

there isn’t another species could do it

mere murderous thoughts won’t cut it
nor is there a blade fit for the job

no bomb big enough
no missile goes so far

they haven’t built the bullet
that fragments into all hearts

not yet
but budgets are this way directed

still, in order to get there
much stronger than average growth will be required
in systems all sorts –
chemical, biological, nuclear of course
(on and off course actually)
styles of weapons we’ve yet to invent

but we have the nous for this for sure

new targets will have to be set
for key performance
have to think out of the box
(no pesky body counts with a neutron bomb)
but any number of them will never be enough

a more comprehensive poison will be needed
one to touch all the corners
and not just here and there
to travel through time

we have to kill off the future for good
I mean to say once and for all  

but have we the anger to end it?
can we conjure up –
can we be the machine?
I do think we have it in us!

and yet
despite all this righteous enthusiasm
we can’t really know if it can be done

but for sure
we can blacken the sky with oily smoke
think our darkest thoughts
and hope
… sorry, did I say hope?

all hope must be eradicated
that’s our only chance
how vigorous we’ll need to be
to bring the whole thing off –

let’s hate a lot
that always helps
and mock and scoff at the crew who care
(‘o precious little planet’, they whimper
not knowing what’s best for all)

their end is coming as surely as everyone else’s
ours will be the last laugh of the lot  

there’ll be none of this dreadful music then
it won’t matter if there’s night or day
when there are no eyes to see

yes, there’s the risk of life on other worlds yet
which merely goes to show you can’t think big enough

one always imagines the haunting we’ll do
(and while that’s a lovely nasty thought)
ghosts must somehow be offed too
and dreams and fantasy and recollection

call us omega
we’re to be the end of everything
the cosmic joke
no one will laugh off
that’s what we’re here for

bend backs to our great aim!

without firm focus, iron grip
some microbe might be saved

and never let a tear tell falling
that’s how an empire’s lost

you’ll say I’m politically correct
to keep my thoughts so pure

an end of thought, I say to that
first and for all
what good has come of it so far?

build till the sky is gone

will even then a far star shine
loving memory to crush

no poetry can save these fools

you may say I’m a dreamer

low likelihood is one thing
(farmers all need certainty)

and remember all of this effort is just
to make sure no one will ever read these lines  

it’s personal, you see

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