Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Kit Kelen #1133 - in Tanah Toraja (possible book of mother addition)

in Tanah Toraja

(possible additional piece for a book of mother)

the dead are different
but we should never single them out
they’re family after all

they wince when we’ve got it wrong
they’re jealous
we’re keeping them in the home

let’s say they’ve slept badly
just say
oh my aching itch you hear them
too long in the ground

teeth out
thin as stretch
and nearly motionless
that’s how they’ve stopped the world

we whisper up to please
say kiss
we call them homes
we say it’s skin

we give them some more exhumation

it’s for the memories they’re here
a kind of a karaoke

home’s like this
a nightmare weight

the dead weigh less each day
although they never fly away

from the judgement seat they frown
and pointlessly, some say

perhaps a meal
the dead don’t each much
they drink slow

seem intent but troubled

you won’t torture them
with truth or fact

the dead are all over us
with their grubby DNA

see them gathered on the veranda
they can be quite a crowd

the dead are different?
but they disagree

read the rictus
their opinions stand
no one was ever more stubborn than them

there’s a light shone in to show
of course they’re more than us
they come from and they go to forever

nothing sudden in this
long way to the afterworld
but this is the way
after all

a wash
then fresh linen
take a turn around the town

till we can afford some cattle to slaughter
actually there’s a freezer full
and a bamboo pipe of blood
slit throats
set the chooks alight

they are an expensive hobby
we’re still paying for the dead years later

the first came down the stairs from a cloud

think of it
something to look forward to
and take your pills as well

you could be a stone
in the end

see how different the dead?
we are the damage they do

it’s we who must move on

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