Saturday, February 9, 2019

Gillian Swain - #61 - Jesus wept

Yeah. Maybe the stars don't listen
and even if they did
it'd only be to laugh their arses off
at us and our
sad pantomime
and oh   imagine if stars even had
and maybe that's right
the Gods don't give a fuck
who we are   any of us   to
pretend that to suppose
on something positive   could be
or worthy of our time
and what could be   further than 
the truth
that's what faith is   I think 
they say-
the truth and some warped
sense of hope   despite it all
what a joke...
and yeah
maybe that's right
the Gods certainly don't
give  a fuck
at least not when
the baby dies
animals starve   cop the
of madness   and
the arseholes keep   winning
not when   the darknesses of day
make night seem so much 
yet they won't become
completely fuckless
till even the devout stop
for then the gods themselves
are dead.


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