Sunday, November 3, 2019

Janette Hoppe #55


her sun soaked bones
gave way to the bleaching 
her ancient rivers drying up
in the coming of 
the second wave of genocide 

privilege sinks its fangs in

this modern society 
deeper than the roots 
that lay bare at her feet
seduce her 

cupped hand
begs for the water 
that was once held in her lungs
and stored in her womb

skins shed in this drought ridden land

profit margins 
a tight fit 
for waterlogged bodies
plump with creation 

privilege sinks its fangs in
skins shed in this drought ridden land 

poison writhes inside 
the flesh of those 
disconnected from culture 
as your venom is weakened 
by city lights 

once you sink your teeth 
into corporate greed 
and commercialism 
you become just another snake 
shedding your skin 
to bleach your bones.

1 comment:

  1. Pound said 'go in fear of abstractions
    I think Pound had a point'

    consider Brecht's second last poem --

    And I always thought: the very simplest words
    Must be enough. When I say what things are like
    Everyone’s hearts must be torn to shreds.
    That you’ll go down if you don’t stand up for yourself—
    Surely you see that.


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