Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kit Kelen #1418 - underwriting


most of your houses won’t burn down

how long until there is intention?

some fall
and some are blown away

some are eaten
first sculpted by ants

light thrown down
again, again
would sinners lift their eyes to it

here’s age
and all the parts replaced –
the members of a house

a lounge of limbs
and lewd suggestions
not politely asked

most of your houses won’t burn down
but here’s a street alight
say alcohol has fuelled

all the violence of a home
won’t knock most houses down

were forest once
or mountain fast
have heft
are hewn

almost all change hands
or hand me down

let’s not forget flood
change of climate
continental drift

most houses won’t
some do

volcano and the quaking too

there’s electricity gathered
all fuels
what odds?
set actuaries on

many are so inhabited
one creature feeds upon the falling

some are simply bitten
plague till the place is condemned

a house may have been scrubbed to death
hoovered up and binned

wrapped in leaves
or a haunting dark
made dust

here’s fruit
say lemon gone bush
little wings attend

some were never on the map
or plan a subdivision
flat granny

little paws pass by
the guardian tree
and all the garden round

still there
say Sunday rubbernecks
ask how long will it stand

we’ve left it out in the weather
you memorize a shape – that’s it
rattles winded with the gate  

so secret to this having stood
and all these years to slam

there’s someone’s welcome in the walls
over we go

all the old ideas until
we’ve guessed home and here

think of a roof to catch
was someone else’s ground
forgive me
but I can’t go back

in moonlight
how the fires remind me
most houses won’t burn down

you room it
to contain an echo
walls divide the voice

come in out of
to the skin
and cosy up by
cup of it

much metabolized
long in digestion
taken for a smile

begins at a stretch
with a mouthful of nails
more hands and feet required

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