Friday, November 1, 2019

Jeffree Skewes #128 Standing protest

First to arrive
never quite leaving
some find places
others turn-up
carefully planned
attended to whom
where it most counted

out of respect
the many it takes
welcome to be here onside
carefully choose
where on the rug
to sit finally down

before dawn
salute the sun
work quietly begin the hum
all-day it has to be done
strategies shared focused
until it grows dark / till it's all done

banners flags posters placards
catch-phrases scripted fresh
by hand vital and peaceful
hold on people get ready
each day's a living worshop
outside studio in the shade

when d day comes could be sudden
all forces unite destinies strong
no one left out - each one
a song chanting starts
what do we want
when do we want it

gradually convoys and towers are built
carnival flags colours and spirits unfurl
power to the people / right about now
everybody knows uncle Lenny was right
there were so many people
you just had to meet
without your cloths

something else speaks
lines in the sand
with / against forces collide
that's how it goes
that's the way it is
standing protest



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