Monday, November 11, 2019

Kit Kelen #1410 - be woke

be woke

song to sing while packing the car
when you might not see your home again

yes let’s be woke
wonderful word
the right one
for these times

have you noticed
the alarm is ringing?

how drowsily
we must dream on
dinosaurs did
and we do

it started out
with just a few chimes

now someone’s singing out –
have you seen the wind?
can you smell the smoke
can you feel the fire?

keep digging up
and shipping off
keep dollars rolling in

build the dry
and stoke the fire

it’s lovely to be sleeping
to have a good lie in

or do you think you’re better woke?
a different kind of blue this sky!
you’ll be kept dreaming by the smoke

chimes louder and longer
and who wouldn’t hear?
ringing and ringing
like a phone, like a friend

and whose big paw
comes crashing down
to kill the clock again?

later there’ll be flood as well
but first we face these flames of hell

it’s daylight in between the cracks
says time for us to wake
and those of us already up
ask ‘what else will it take?’

oh give me a home
where the dinosaurs roam
and rule the roost
and rake it in

keep digging in the dark
all this smoke will keep us dim

‘oh don’t politicise my fire
my flood, my famine, war’
they like to keep us sleeping
it’s what dinosaurs are for

a pretty simple choice by now
and what’s more sacred than this cow?
you’ll be kept sleeping by the smoke

old wars make the new ones easy
we’re good at what we do
which is to dig until we choke

started out
with just a few chimes
‘oh don’t politicise my fire
my flood, my famine, war’

and whose big paw
comes crashing down
to kill the clock again?

or do you think you’re better woke?

yes, let’s be
it’s a lovely word –
the right one
for these times

1 comment:

  1. Shout to keep
    from crying, smoke
    gets in your eyes
    and nose and throat
    you pack the ute
    and drive through
    one spectacle of war
    a battlefield of crimes


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