Sunday, May 1, 2016

Kit Kelen #121 - for friends and for enemies

for a series of dark ones (or bright and dark ones)
for friends and for enemies

for my friends
shake hands
and shall we play?

the planets on the one plane
roll baize and green to pocket

it's not for any winning pleasure
but to be with we bounce the ball
we witness weather

our loves are of a single silence
when we're beyond of words together

take tea
and let's take something stronger

see truth in each and trust


it's a while back now
but memory's raw ...

for the evil tenant
who robbed me
all sorts of things are too good

public flogging would be a good start

I like words like stocks and gibbet
tumbrel, evisceration, disembowelling too

drawing, quartering! superb!
slow death tortures yet to invent
kinds Kafka could inscribe

best –
head on a pike
next to the mailbox
that'll show the world


  1. With Kafka in a poem, you know you are reading a soul. Very daring and honest verse here-- "I like words like stocks and gibbet / tumbrel, evisceration, disemboweling too"

  2. Yes, bloody thieves take more than possessions, don't they. But you continue to create and give to the world in so many ways - Keep on giving with yr generous spirit.

  3. Such smooth and gruesome revenge in the second half of this two-part poem. It contrasts well with the stuttering, almost inarticulate look at friendship in the first half.


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