Friday, May 6, 2016

Kit Kelen # 126 - all fall down

it all falls down

the tangle up
and the meeting of leaves

a certain turn the sun takes with them
everything planted, all that took off

leaf and fruit
and bark, the lot

it all falls down

a wall for instance, whatever's held up
prayers for life, just a little more

every god we have sown in our image
juggernaut, avatar, each one apotheosed

vertiginous saints and their gargoyle siblings
the treaty, the terms, the border long held

all fall down

labour of days and the magical theorem
the sonnet is a headstone now

lichen and moss – stone's thunderstruck
grass bends wept to acre fated

and the moon and the stars and our one sun
each takes its cue

fix some horizon for your eye
and watch how all of it rises 


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