Monday, May 2, 2016

Red Cone (LF)-#124- O's garden

a walled garden
a space between the vicarage
and the church
rivulets and ponds
enclosed by ancient trees pollarded
with fingers to the sky
they hold rooks nests
rooks squabble high above
beneath is a glorious
English garden emerging from winter
peonies clematis violets hyacinth forget-me-nots hellebores
push through the winter green
tulips and daffodils of many colours stand defiant
waving gently in the breeze
and in the vegetable patch
spinach parsley rhubarb
survive the rabbits
crab apple buds and blossoms aplenty
a glorious spring garden
fighting climate change
and 90 year old O
blossoms most of all


  1. Oh my gosh, this is exactly, exactly what I have been thinking about. I was thinking of writing about a Pleasure Garden. Just beautiful. Thank you.


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