Sunday, April 2, 2017

Kit Kelen #452 - this


the sun today
a shining in itself
with no one else's light

first scratch

who flew into this head here?
and where are my pants now?

no sky ever bluer known
this is just a start
world as from bed begun

so simple
so I am discovered

creature from the light within
come open eyed to day
all forever healing

every ache is only in me
world is sunshine else

a glass of water's all that's required

you think it's heart holds
it's all limbs

here let me lick
a day taste!
yet sip
still turn to fill

below me the river rusts
catches a ripple the sun's spread

sinister kettle drums post the horizon
won't mess with today

let me be the treasure, say
the one's uncovered
out of all this bedding
come to light

there might have never been a naming

will I doubt the call
and sing with them
there's blue beyond

and even if clouds are carried away
rough gruff

and big face comes
as once to prove
sky in the eye
how loved am I?

we're all children to it
everything's beginning now

it's every day does this

glass half full
but the world's running out

there is no other moment
perfect just as this

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