Wednesday, May 4, 2016

#122 Kevin Brophy 'Lake'

#122 ‘Lake’
The lake is blue. Blue lies like a lake
on the earth. The earth is red. Red soaks
into the sand and rocks like a breath held.
The grass stands up in wiry stems all the way
to the blue lake, its white shores all around it.
Everyone mentions the lake once or twice a day.
It is a blue shadow on the mind. No one’s thirst
can be quenched there. The old salty tongue of the earth
is in it. Always the sun is looking down into it.
The lake let its surface flutter when breezes come.
That small whisper it makes along its edges
leaves a slim rime where a creature
might come to find the salt of its blue dream.
The red colour reddens as the day goes away.
Someone nearby closes a door after having a smoke.
The earth holds the day’s heat to its heart, lying low
like a child lying down on the floor beside a mother
who talks quietly of the lake and the last time they were there.


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