over coffee, we discuss art materials
and methods chemicals
toxic and non-toxic
cyanotype, the old technology
used for blueprints
how to create a particular effect
with coloured inks and black ink
that particular artist
our friend, champion of scorn
belittles certain styles
in particular
fantasy and sci fi illustration
because adolescents may not graduate
to something better
he says
as he unwraps his new anvil
talks about making things
from metal sheet
and painting them with ink
the coffee needs sugar
is so bitter in this café
we're thinking
should I ask the artist
how he did that thing with ink
and wonder about his age
at the Point
minnows are schooling
by the thousands
already bigger than last week
at low tide
the water is clear
close to shore
but more milky as it gets deeper
seaweed trees
standing upright spreading their branches
in the milkiness
like crystals growing in solution
like crystals growing in solution
Thanks Michele