Sunday, May 22, 2016

Efi Hatzimanolis #106 Roundabout

When I’m old, 
I’d like somebody to drive me 
around abouts in the open back of an ute
slowly, so I can make eye contact with pedestrians,
and maybe scare some old duck like me,
waiting for her lights to change.
I promise not to bark. I won’t need restraint.
I’m too old for the whoosh of old,
but truth be told, I still wish
to look menacing with my snout
stuck in the thick semiotic soup
of the city streets, the underground parking,
the tunnels, the freeways through forests
and the great high of weather gathering
as much stink as I can store in my fur,
to draw on, for the roundabouts,
when I’m old, and driven


  1. I like the idea of being old and driven, ha ha

  2. what a great wish. go on... just a little bark... just occasionally

  3. Love it. It would be a return to childhood, being driven around: kids and dogs in the back of the ute. Happy to bark along with the dog friends.

  4. This is gorgeous! Also enjoyed Susan's childhood story (so foreign to mine :) )


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