Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Chrysogonus' Translation #22 - from Kevin Brophy's "Bonfire afterwards'

Sebelum Api Unggun 

buku puisi yang kubaca hari ini
memuat sekaleng cat tua di bawah pagar
seekor ular mati di beranda,
sebagian pagar yang rubuh di bawah
batang gugur, sampah di ujung jauh
di bawah pohon akasia, dua burung mandi,
matahari terbit, jalan setapak di hutan, beberapa kekasih dan

tumpukan guntingan rumput, batang dan ranting
menanti api unggun yang akan dinyalakan
setelah puisi-puisi selesai dibacakan,

dicermati dan dikembalikan ke rak buku.

The book of poetry I read today 
had an old paint tin under the fence,
a dead snake by the verandah, 
part of its boundary fence collapsed under 
a fallen trunk, some rubbish in the far corner
beneath a wattle tree, two bird baths, 
a rising sun, a forest path, several lovers and 

a growing pile of cut grass, logs and branches
readied for the bonfire that will be lit 
once the poems have been properly read, 
highlighted and returned to the shelf.

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