Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Lizz Murphy — Poem 89: Neighbours


  1. I see the image is doing its own thing - maybe I can make use of this crowd of faces in a future draft.

  2. I got quite shocked by that image when I came back. Wow! They are waving hands to me.I like the big bubbly thing at the top, a distortion, a blemish of age or in transfer or development? It is kind of alien. The second one gave me a jolt, in a good way, hadn't taken it in properly last night. Dramatic contrasts.

  3. I like the way you're using these slabs of text, like cubes in a way, have such complexity. I think the slab format creates something that simple line breaks don't,

  4. Thank you Sarah for the feedback - very helpful too.

  5. Thanks Anna. I agree about the slabs - like the idea of Slab Poetry. I love the visual appearance but I do find it influences how I develop or edit the poem. I like it a lot. Thanks for your interest.


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