Friday, April 8, 2016

Efi Hatzimanolis #65 The Accident

evening walk
everyone texting
stroll roll limp


  1. evening walk
    everyone texting
    stroll roll limp

    Hi Efi. The last line of this tiny poem puzzles me. What does it mean? It's a bit of a tongue twister isn't it?

  2. :) Hi Myron, a small group of the walking wounded I saw last night - one limping, one walking, the other in a wheelchair (broken foot I think) - all looked like they were heading for a fresh accident as they were inattentive to the traffic around them while texting. In addition, the last line constructs a narrative of an accidental ankle roll, for example, that is being texted while it's happening....Hmm, might need a longer form to convey all this?

  3. Agree with Myron, Efi and yes maybe expansion is the wy to go because I found what you said in your comment pertinent.


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