Monday, April 25, 2016

Sarah St Vincent Welch #115 Looking at a print of Blackman’s ‘There was’ at Ginninderra Medical Centre, Anzac Day 2016

a school hat, familiar, loved
panama posh and proper
so valuable, not to be lost
lest a hounding, a scolding,
or worse, shaming at all I lost,
chased hat when snatched by
willy willy or teaser or friend

hat soft and worn
as memory's bed cover,
tatter edged, grey banded
this pulled up memory
in the doctors’ surgery

reading in Summer silently,
when concentration was young
and easy, always with a waft
of a promise maybe
a dip, playing Marco Polo,
brandings, spitting water
like spouts in each others’ face,
screaming, breaking a wake –
then a quietening down of heat
and splash
to reading

before the Blackman print
I don’t forget today, this one is
called ‘There was,’ a schoolgirl
alone in a playground
time over her shoulder,
it deserves more gazing
than my wait allows, but
I let it lift my mind

I’m guilty not to think more
of war today, to focus on her
on the day put aside to
think of war,
just can’t just can’t just can’t,
thinking on it every other day
pleated pasts, mute violence
shadowed memorials
continuing, I will dream with her
on this national day
the river in my hands
flowers wilting at my brim
and look down into the old pages


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