Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Robert Verdon, #311, modernism has only just begun

of emerald and immortality —
pink noise in a shoebox
latterday humming
of the toy-train motor
of memory
glissandi of hope there too
furry nebulae in lieu of sleep
as we kneel and hunt for clues
amid the fluffy fawn blankets
in the highest room of the tower
as the beeswarm wind batters the horn panes
anticipating greener grass
daydream dancing among the marigolds
grass of emerald and immortality
and cities like madrigals
the love in a well-worked treble recorder
can only be returned by playing it
the spring is perfect as the first jonquil
a carven tune flows out to the world

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful. Really shifts into high gear in the second half. Glorious.


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