Jean-Michel Basquiat
These fields intersect
coronas – beards – flutes
of spilt wine, I remember
painting portraits and freaking out
on buses because everyone’s face
spoke to me, shouted out
Listen! And the fields outside
roared, and passed into eternity
yet I was on the bus still
the fields moving inside me
I loved you and for once
it was okay being me
people looked at me, no longer
wanting to devour me
with their tongues, to push me
through slots and cogs
of unforgiving size, how it waited
no prose will do, no pose
is satisfactory, Torvill and
Dean, no pose but you
I love and I don’t know why
it was the start and the end
of something, it was my career
high and dry and wide
and handsome
what crossed your mind
so you would still bear
that cross, that skull
so beautiful and white
Listen! It is your energy ebbing
it is this moment passing
It is yours, take it! take it!
for the fields are still emerging
wow! I feel that 'Listen'. (Personally, too.) Wonderful poem.