Monday, September 12, 2016

Béatrice Machet # 230 Beam series-7

# 230 Beam series-7

Beam. Headlights. A cone and inside the dripping rain. Its curtain as rebelling its weaving unit of measurement. A life there as if paralleling a sharp barbed world. The more one progresses the more it enhances & accentuates its thrust. It could happen that we can see it being born. Beam of strength jolting its way to springing up.

Faisceau. Phares avant. Un cône et dedans la pluie dégouline. Son rideau comme contestant son unité de tissage. Une vie là comme parallèle un monde barbelé acéré. Plus on progresse plus il accentue sa poussée. Il se pourrait bien qu’on le voit naître. Faisceau de forces de frayer jusqu’à jaillir.

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